Challenge 1

Our group has decided to choose three challenges. The main reflections we have done are the following:

1. Overpopulation:
 In our group we decided that one of the biggest challenges in world is overpopulation. Especially in the third world and in some Asian countries lots of children were born and because of the improvements in medicine people will reach a high age today.
Consequently, it seems to be reality that not everyone can be provided with enough food, water and education. They cannot even learn how to prevent pregnancy and sexual diseases without education in school.
Because in big cities population is raising up so quickly some areas are developing, which ones are rich of crime and violence. Also many diseases can be found there.
Much more room of living is needed so woods must be cut down or protected areas are disappear to deliver more space to live. If there more people living on the world there will be produced more rubbish also. Overpopulation doesn’t only seem to be a problem of humankind but also of flora and fauna.

Work as a professional
That’s why we think that is necessary to teach children the reality of our world and the reasons that causes that problem. We think it’s important to talk about the differences in the sexual education depending on the place we live and the real recourses that we have to prevent that phenomenon.
Finally talk about the tolerance between different sorts of families could be a good idea to open our mind and accept that our world is changing and we need to adapt or, at least, respect the other ways of living.

2. Global warming and climate changeWhen it comes to globalization we also have to take into account that climate change is therefore a massive trouble source. We agreed on the fact that due to the overpopulation more goods have to be available for the people. Therefore we discussed about the influence of production of goods for import and export on the increase of greenhouse effect in our group. Because of the technical and economical cross-linking, import and export as well as infrastructure are increasing steadily. On the other hand side natural space disappears as people need room for agriculture and industry. As a result, a lot of energy is needed and the pollution of the environment grows. Consequently, unrenewable energy sources become narrow and global warming is just one of the symptoms which develop on our planet. Although we have a lot of policies for environmental protection some countries don’t do anything to reduce CO²  emission or take a step toward renewable energy sources. 
Work as professional
We needed time to choose that point as one of the most important challenge. But finally we decided to added because we considered that student have to know the importance of take care of our world and try to avoid the pollution and the unnecessary waste of energy and some products.
Finally our ideas are that we need to show students that alternative energy sources are necessary to get a better world where we can live without some diseases that are caused by the pollution phenomenon.
As a teacher we must show students to take care of or nature, minimize pollution, with recycling or replacing some resources for better ones. In conclusion we need to teach how to minimize pollution and the real causes of global warming.

3. Gap between rich and poor:
Another big challenge today is the large gap between first and third world countries. A lot of people in the first world countries can be compared to wealthy business men, where third world countries can be compared to beggars on the street.
Most business men would walk past the beggar, some occasionally handing him money, in order to make themselves feel better. The money will help the poor people for a short while, but will never be enough to help them in the long term. Most people are unaware of the problems in third world countries, and think it can all just be solved with money. Most people in third world countries have not got the time, and rarely know about, the opportunities education can give them.
It seems to be an impossible task to close the gap between the rich and poor countries, because the problem is deeper than just the lack of money.

Overpopulation is one of the responsible about the huge difference between the first and the third world which causes the gap between rich and poor.
We think that if we were able to guarantee every child receives proper education maybe they would have an adequate behavior that allows them to be aware of that problem.
It’s important that they know that our society is changing but the serious problems, like poverty and richness still exist, so we need to help each other and, as a teachers, try to do it the same with the students.
They should know that they don’t need several material things to be happy, and they also have to be aware that in some parts of the world people die because they don’t have anything to eat. Maybe it would be a good idea that students were able to see that huge differences in some pictures and after that make their own reflections.
We aren’t able to change the world in one day but maybe we can educate children to get a better world where they live without the necessity of consumerism to be happy.